Thai Mango & Sticky Rice


By Natalie Jordan

With one more month of peak mango season in California, we asked our favorite Thai home chef extraordinaire, Natalie Jordan, of Nat Kitchen N Snack Bar to share the recipe for her delicious Thai Mango and Sticky Rice dessert. Trust us, it’s worth a try!

Ingredients for Thai Coconut Sticky Rice

  • 300 grams of Sweet or Glutinous Rice

  • 100 ml of Coconut Milk

  • 1 teaspoon of Himalayan Pink Salt

  • Butterfly Pea Flower for Color optional

  • 100 grams of Coconut Milk

  • 2 tsps of Rice Flour

  • 1/4 tsps of Salt

Instructions for Thai Mango & Sticky Rice

1. Wash the rice several times.

2. Soak the uncooked rice in room temperature water for six to eight hours or over night.

3. Place a cheese cloth in a bamboo steamer, drain water from soaked rice, and place the wet rice in the middle of the cloth. Spread rice evenly and cover the top of the rice with another cheese cloth. Cover the lid and steam for 7 minutes. Then turn over the half cooked rice and continue cooking for another 7 minutes. 

4. While waiting for the rice to cook, mix the coconut milk, sugar, and salt well and set aside.

5. Once the rice is fully cooked, slowly fold the rice into the mixed coconut milk until all the liquid is absorbed into the cooked sticky rice.

6. Cover the cooked sticky rice mix for 5 minutes. Let it stand at room temperature until it cools down completely. 

7. While waiting for the sticky rice to be set let's make the coconut sauce by heating the coconut milk at a medium low heat. Stir in sugar and salt until all is completely melted. Slowly stir in rice flour to thicken the sauce.

Place on serving dish and arrange mangos on top. Serve and delight your guests!

Chef’s Tip: When washing sticky rice, wash it gently to prevent the rice grain from cracking.


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