Hiroko Ishida

My Collection

  • My work has always celebrated form and function. I create pieces on the wheel, or hand built, and bring my own unique perspective to all my creations. I have developed and use my own finishes and glazes and all my pieces are marked with the symbol ひ which is HI in the Japanese language of Hiragana, and the first syllable to my name.

    Each piece exudes a sense of elegance and simplicity, embracing the essence of wabi-sabi—a Japanese aesthetic centered on the beauty of imperfection and transience. Inspired by nature and the beauty of everyday life, I invite you to pause, reflect, and find beauty in the imperfect, the fleeting, and the authentic.

  • Ever since I can remember I have been a creative person. I studied French design, color theory and textiles at university. Throughout my life I have explored my passions and honed my skills no matter what the medium, from specialized color dyeing to create hand woven fiber art; as a chef owner of “Kabocha,” a vegetarian restaurant in Tokyo; to studying fashion and now to my passion for ceramics.

    Since 2007 ceramics have been the focal point of my creative expression. The medium captivated me and made my imagination flourish. When I work on the wheel, or hand building with clay, I am in a realm where form and function intertwine seamlessly. I infuse each piece I create with my unique style and signature glazes. My work is quite different from most and it stands out on its own right.

    My journey as a ceramic artist has been one of continuous learning and evolution. I find inspiration in nature, the juxtaposition of light and shadow and the harmony of shapes and textures. My work is a celebration of beauty found in simple objects..

    I continue to explore new forms and am committed to creativity and self expression. Through my ceramics I invite viewers to pause, to contemplate and to find balance in the serenity of form and function. I am always pushing the boundaries of my craft and hope to evoke emotions in every piece you hold in your hands, or place anywhere in your home.

    Personally I am continually captivated by the Japanese Tea ceremony and am an avid and dedicated student.