Saffron Shoppe

A thoughtful selection from our favorite makers and master artisans.

Hiroko Ishida

My work has always celebrated form and function. I create pieces on the wheel, or hand built, and bring my own unique perspective to all my creations. I have developed and use my own finishes and glazes and all my pieces are marked with the symbol ひ which is HI in the Japanese language of Hiragana, and the first syllable to my name.

Each piece exudes a sense of elegance and simplicity, embracing the essence of wabi-sabi—a Japanese aesthetic centered on the beauty of imperfection and transience. Inspired by nature and the beauty of everyday life, I invite you to pause, reflect, and find beauty in the imperfect, the fleeting, and the authentic.

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John g Martin

My life has always revolved around trying first to see the potential for beauty in what might seem to be prosaic objects, and then reassembling them into unusual new creations in which that natural beauty becomes more vivid.

I am driven by a relentless passion for innovation - renowned for my ability to think outside the box pushing the boundaries of traditional interior design. This pioneering spirit has earned me a reputation as a visionary in the field, challenging conventions and exploring new frontiers in everything I do.

And all through my life I have been asked the same questions: “How do you think of these things?  How do you see what ultimately emerges?” But the truth is, I never quite know until I start creating something.

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Lynne Meade

All of my ceramics are wheel thrown and hand carved or hand pierced. Everything is done by eye, without molds or templates. 

Blending Asian, art deco and art nouveau influences, my aim is for originality, master craftsmanship and sculptural quality. 

The mid-century modern pierced collection explores the play of light and shadow, transparency and inner space. 

My work pushes the boundaries of function vs. art. How little clay can express a vision? What is the perfect balance of delicacy and strength? Will the design stand the test of time?

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Kathy Pallie

Ordinary materials have a magical way of communicating with me, often surprising me with their creative outcome. Inspiration finds me in myriad forms and places, never predictable yet always invigorating.

Nature often inspires my art reflecting the unlimited variety of surface textures, patterns, and energy allowing me to bring the essence of the outdoors into interior spaces. Amidst the chaos of our world, my art becomes a vessel for expression, a means to navigate and comprehend the tumultuous events unfolding around us.

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Storia Home

Storia Home is committed to making a difference while creating beautiful spaces. We do this by ethically sourcing our products from a diverse community of makers and by featuring pieces that are sustainable and low-waste, always making our planet a priority. We believe that by supporting local artists, we are always sourcing unique pieces that will elevate everyone’s home.

We curate a collection of decor, art, textiles, books, and furniture that tell a story. Storia Home shares the narrative of women-owned companies, people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and other small businesses. 

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Jennifer Mygatt Tatum

Among many themes in my artistic journey I’ve been exploring two very different art forms, sculpture/hand building River Rock Bowls, and wood lithography/Mokulito Wood Blocks and prints.

Each bowl I create is a labor of love, molded over river rocks from the American River. As I shape them, I am reminded of the vast expanse of time that has weathered these stones, spanning millions of years. The impressions left by these ancient rocks on the interior of the bowls serve as tangible connections to the river’s enduring presence. With each graceful curve I invite viewers to join me in contemplating life’s fleeting moments and the enduring beauty of nature.

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Savage Sublime

We believe that objects matter; they are your artifacts — and as such — they should be beautiful. Our work is inspired by our forested homestead in coastal California, and the life we’ve built together.

It is our great wish that the objects we make become foundational pieces in your own home. Timeless artifacts to be used and displayed for years to come.

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