
By Betsy Harden, Sierra Nevada Sisters 

At long last, the rains are bringing much-needed water to the Sierra Nevada. Perhaps this is a beginning to the end of a devastating two-year drought. These storms are a real blessing to everyone: the land, the plants, the animals, and the people of central and Northern California.

As I sit in my cabin in the woods listening to the rain on the tin roof, I am grateful for so many blessings. Besides the rain, the greatest blessing I have experienced in recent times is the genesis of the Sierra Nevada Sisters and our first workshop. Since the moment Evelyn and I knew we were going to start our herbal medicine workshops, I have been energized by the process. I experience my greatest joy and gratitude when I am spending time with the plants and Evelyn. Being able to share the passion we both have for the land we steward and the plants that grace our lives amplifies the blessing ten-fold.

The women who attended our Autumn workshop were fully engaged and came to us with pertinent questions about what plants could relieve particular ailments and support overall health. The whole day was one of respectful exchange and joyful discovery. And the seasonal meal that Evelyn prepared was a beautiful and absolutely scrumptious way of illustrating how food is medicine, too.

At the end of the workshop, the room was full of smiling faces and new friends. Such a heartwarming, satisfying experience. Truly a blessing. Evelyn and I are now bringing the Winter workshop into being. We are grateful and confident that when we are winding up that workshop at the end of the day everyone will be smiling again.


Shelter in Place 2020 – Portrait Series


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